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Pipe tobacco | GB No2 Black Cherry 50g

GB No2 Black Cherry 50g

13.45 € (incl. VAT)

Barcode (EAN): 0000042302933

Golden Blend's Black Cherry pipe tobacco, or simply Golden Blend's No.2 is an American style aromatic tobacco of coarse cut ribbons of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish.
It lights well, Puff gently for enjoyable, flavoursome smoke, that won't get too hot.

Golden Blendin Black Cherry piipputupakka, joka nimettiin yksinkertaisesti Golden Blendin "No. 2":ksi, on amerikkalaistyylinen aromaattinen tupakka, joka koostuu Virginia-, Burley- ja Black Cavendishin karkeista nauhoista.

Golden Blendi Black Cherry piibutubakas, mis on ümber nimetatud lihtsalt Golden Blendi "nr. 2"-ks, on Ameerika stiilis aromaatne tubakas, mis koosneb Virginia, Burley ja Black Cavendishi jämedalt lõigatud tubakast. Süttib hästi, tõmmake õrnalt ja saate nauditava ja maitsva suitsu mis ei lähe liiga kuumaks.

  • *** RYO Paper & Tobacco OÜ does not send tobacco product via postal services. Purchases must be made in our Nautica center store (Google map: Ahtri 9, Tallinn, Estonia)

    *** We try to keep all the prices right. In case of price difference, the price in our store is correct.

    *** Wholesale and Bulk Orders:
        Cigars and Pipe tobacco : matti@cigars.ee
        Other tobacco related products : info@tubakas.ee

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