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Pipe tobacco | Winslow No. 2 100
  • Pipe tobacco | Winslow No. 2 100
  • Pipe tobacco | Winslow No. 2 100

Winslow No. 2 100

28.50 € (incl. VAT)

Barcode (EAN): 4030486923018

A masterly exotic blend based on multi-faced Virginia tobaccos in various cuts. Refined with two sorts of Black Cavendish, a whiff of Burley and fine crumbled Flake. The delicious and captivating flavor of nutty cream-liqueur combined with caramelized pineapple reveals a veritable delight.

Liqueur | Pineapple
Cut: Mixture
100 g tin

Mestarillisesti eksoottinen sekoitus. Perustuu tyylikkäästi moninaisiin Virginia-tupakoihin eri leikkauksilla. Hienostunut kahdella Black Cavendishilla, tuulahduksella Burleya ja hienoksi murennetulla Flakella. Pähkinäisen kermaliköörin herkullinen ja mukaansatempaava maku yhdistettynä karamellisoituun ananaksiin paljastaa todellisen nautinnon.

Eksootiline segu. Põhineb Virginia tubakatel erinevates lõigetes + 2 sorti Black Cavendishi, lisaks Burley

  • *** RYO Paper & Tobacco OÜ does not send tobacco product via postal services. Purchases must be made in our Nautica center store (Google map: Ahtri 9, Tallinn, Estonia)

    *** We try to keep all the prices right. In case of price difference, the price in our store is correct.

    *** Wholesale and Bulk Orders:
        Cigars and Pipe tobacco : matti@cigars.ee
        Other tobacco related products : info@tubakas.ee